Luton Airport Development Consent Order

You’ll recall that we have mentioned the proposed expansion of Luton Airport a number of times. The latest was dated 20 September 2022 and can be viewed here: Luton Airport Inquiry.
There is now a further opportunity to make your views known to the Planning Inspectors on the proposed airport expansion plans. Further details on exactly how to do this can now be found here.
Luton Rising’s submission to grow London Luton Airport has been accepted for examination by the Planning Inspectorate (PINS), which means that you now have the opportunity to let them know your thoughts on this. Again.
Until 23.59pm on 23 June 2023, you can submit your views to PINS, in the form of what is called a ‘Relevant Representation’.
By doing so, you will also become an ‘Interested Party’ and have the right to attend the public examination of their proposals, expected to begin later this year. You will also be kept up to date with the progress of the examination and will be notified of the final decision made by the Secretary of State.
To be able to have your say throughout the examination process, you must submit your comments by 23.59pm on 23 June 2023.
Have your say by completing the online survey or requesting a hard copy of the form at: or by telephoning 0303 444 5000, quoting the Planning Inspectorate’s reference number which is TR020001.
As soon as we have an update from the Chiltern Society, we’ll let you know.