
Protecting credit score during divorce

Safeguarding Your Credit: How to Protect your Score During Divorce

Divorce is a difficult time, especially as it can affect your emotional wellbeing and financial stability. One critical aspect that is often overlooked is the impact of divorce on your credit score. The financial disentanglement from a spouse can lead to missed payments, increased debt, and credit report errors, all of which can significantly damage […]

Guide to Digital Money

A Beginner’s Guide to Digital Money

Many innovations have been made in financial technology in recent years, and the emergence of digital money has been front and centre. So, what is digital money, what are the different types and what are its pros and cons? We’ll answer all these questions below. What is digital money? Also sometimes called digital currency, digital […]

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Money on our Minds

The psychology of currency, and understanding our relationship with money.  Every aspect of our lives is in some way influenced by money, yet we often overlook the psychological complexity of our relationship with it. Whether we realise it or not, our perceptions of money and spending can significantly affect our financial reality and wellbeing; and […]