Health and Beauty

Living Magazines young woman walking in forest

Stepping into the New Year

You don’t need to hit the reset button on your fitness New Year resolutions if you maintain a balance throughout the year. One refreshingly simple way to strike this equilibrium? Incorporate a daily walk  into your routine. The Benefits Combatting the festive calories: As the festive season rolls on, the continual pull of decadent Christmas […]

Living Magazines Mens Fashion Summer

Let’s Hear it for the Boys

Men’s attire may not hit the heady or extroverted heights associated with women’s fashion, but there’s plenty to be excited about this summer for the man who has a fashion plan. Here are some must-have items that could be making a path to a wardrobe near you. Light jackets The return of what some might […]


Sweet Dreams

Recent research suggests around 10% of the world’s population – and up to 33% of Brits – suffer from sleep deprivation. Symptoms include not being able to drift off, waking up in the middle of the night, and not being able get back to sleep once awake. Yet by managing sleep routine, it’s possible to […]

Living Magazines Movement and Mind Feldenkrais Method

Mindful Movement: Discover Feldenkrais

Josephine Horder of Movement and Mind tells us all about her Awareness Through Movement classes and the Feldenkrais Method. Awareness Through Movement classes Lying comfortably on the floor, Jo will guide you verbally through a process of self-observation, often starting with breathing, then progressing to a sequence of slow, gentle movements. She’ll ask questions designed […]

Living Magazines Wool Knitwear

Wool and the Gang

How knitwear became cool again. For some of us, knitwear evokes uncomfortable memories of itchy, misshapen cardigans in garish hues and patterns knitted by one’s nan or elderly aunt. It is a giant leap therefore to appreciate just how cool those same woollies, and all associated needlecraft, have now become. Modern knitwear In some ways […]

Living Magazines Tring Yoga Studio

Tring Yoga Studio

Tucked away in a quiet street just off Tring High Street is a dedicated yoga studio offering a nurturing environment in which to explore how yoga can transform your life. In our over-stimulated and stressful lives, yoga gifts us the time to slow down and focus inwards. Connecting body, mind and breath which allows us […]

Living Magazines The Feldenkrais Method

Mindful Movement

Introducing the Feldenkrais Method Would you benefit from some mindful ‘me-time’, to regenerate and rejuvenate? Do you suffer from day-to-day aches and pains, such as wear and tear from standing all day,  working at a computer, uncomfortable seats or strenuous activity? Do you feel limited by illness, injury or disability? The Feldenkrais Method has the […]