As autumn begins across the UK, there’s plenty you can do to help our wildlife thrive during this vibrant season. Here are some wildlife-friendly tips to make a difference: 1. Feeding: Leave any seedheads standing in your garden if possible; with natural food sources dwindling, set up feeders with seeds, nuts, and suet to help […]
Keep your eco-credentials intact by using this comprehensive guide to methods of transport and their average carbon footprint, measured in grams of carbon dioxide per passenger-kilometre (g CO2/pkm). Premium travel Short-haul flights: Approximately 255g CO2/pkm Long-haul flights: Approx 150g CO2/pkm Ferries: Approx 19-135g CO2/pkm (varies depending on the type and size of the vessel) Cruise ships: […]
Morris dancing has a long history in Tring and surrounding areas. Its story can be traced back to the 15th century, and it’s still popular today, with May Day dancing at dawn in Aldbury being a firm local tradition. This form of English folk dance features dancers in costume, often wearing bells on their shoes […]
During World War II, Ashridge House became a maternity ward for women both from London and the surrounding area. A total of 2,700 babies were born there before the hospital closed in 1946. Historic Ashridge House hosted a memorable garden party this summer to reunite the ‘Ashridge babies’ – all born in the temporary maternity […]
Obscure motoring offences that can land you a fine and points on your licence. The vast majority of us drive with due care and attention at all times, ensuring a safe passage, not just for ourselves, but other road users and pedestrians. Yet be wary – you might still find yourself falling foul of some […]
This is a hearty autumn or early winter version of Minestrone Soup served with a lovely homemade pesto. Containing leeks, carrots, smashed spaghetti, bacon lardons, celery, fennel, chard, cabbage and radish, this dish will definitely up your veg quota! Ingredients 25ml olive oil 1 leek, sliced 1 carrot, diced 75g spaghetti, smashed 100g bacon lardons […]
While many gardeners regard September as the end of the growing season, in truth this time of the year still provides plenty of scope for planting and sowing. It may go against some seasonal logic, but planting in September offers a variety of options for late-year flourishing of flowers and vegetables. Flowers Starting with this […]
Starting school can be a challenging experience for children who are the youngest in their year group. Fortunately, there are steps you can take to help them thrive. Homework In the months before your child starts school, work on basic skills such as recognising letters, numbers and colours, all of which will give a new-starter […]
An outdated office space is a real downer. Office design is constantly changing with new trends and styles, and it is remarkable the impact that this can have on your workforce. A modern, stylish office will not only look good, but it could also improve key metrics like morale, productivity, and even well-being. Companies are […]
Divorce is a difficult time, especially as it can affect your emotional wellbeing and financial stability. One critical aspect that is often overlooked is the impact of divorce on your credit score. The financial disentanglement from a spouse can lead to missed payments, increased debt, and credit report errors, all of which can significantly damage […]
Pick your next beach book with our reviews of summer holiday reading from local authors. Perfect Bound By Lindsay Nicholson Published 18 July Lindsay Nicholson will be a familiar name to readers of magazines such as Good Housekeeping and Prima. In this memoir, she describes how, as a hugely successful magazine editor and director, who […]
Top tips for sustainable interior design. If you’re environmentally aware, perhaps you’ve already overhauled your wardrobe with greener alternatives; maybe you clean your home with as few chemicals as possible; and you might even have a couple of meat-free days a week. Yet what can your home interiors do to help the environment? Whether you’ve […]